Changing Employees to Vendors in QuickBooks Chron com

quickbooks desktop pro

His works have been published on leading sites such as ThriveGlobal, INTStaffing, SellCoursesOnline, and more. If you’re trying to deactivate a supplier with an outstanding balance, QuickBooks will warn you. Choose No and record the outstanding balance before making the vendor inactive.


The only transaction type that can have a vendor record assigned that is not included in these options is Make Journal Entry. You can filter the resulting transactions by selecting options in the Show, Filter By, and Date drop-down lists. The options in the Filter By list change as you make a selection from the Show list. Chapter 3 discusses entering beginning balances in a new QuickBooks file . If you are a new business, you will later enter a vendor bill to increase the balance owed to the vendor instead of entering an Opening Balance amount in the New Vendor record. The New Vendor dialog box displays (see Figure 7.6).

If you’re using the cloud-based QuickBooks Online application, accessible from a web browser, it’s easy to add and import vendors. The Class Tracking feature explained on Categorizing with Classes is a powerful and often misunderstood way to categorize a business. Classes are powerful because of their ability to cross income, expense, account, customer, job, and vendor boundaries. As you’ll see throughout this book, QuickBooks’ lists make it easy to fill in information in most QuickBooks dialog boxes by choosing from a list instead of typing. If you don’t have time to add types now, come back to this section when you’re ready to learn how. Customer, job, or vendor record in QuickBooks and assign the new currency to it.

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On the Map Data page, map your fields from the imported file to QuickBooks Online fields. If your column headers match QuickBooks Online’s fields, the software makes a selection automatically. These are just suggestions; you can always make changes. QuickBooks has powerful features that make it simple for business owners, or their accountants or bookkeepers, to handle all aspects of business accounting. With QuickBooks’ integrated vendor management function, you can easily track vendors, payables and other relevant details. After you create a lead, you can view its information and edit it.

Then, drag the how to prepare a trial balance in 5 steps to the right as if it were indented. A similar method can be used to organize accounts and customer/jobs. There are some precautions to inactivating list entries that still have open balances.

Delete The Name

Once you’ve decided on the custom fields you need, and set them up, the last step is to start using them! Suppose you attend a tradeshow and return to your office with a stack of leads. The information you collect about leads is similar to that for customers, but leads aren’t customers—yet. If your lead-tracking needs are simple, the Lead Center can help you track prospects while you’re trying to turn them into customers.


Users are often concerned about messing up their accounting by deleting an unwanted list entry. If you attempt to delete a list entry and it is in use somewhere within the company file, a warning message will be displayed and QuickBooks will not allow it to be deleted. It’s easy to gather information in a CSV file or Excel spreadsheet. If you’re using another accounting software program to manage your suppliers, you can transfer details to QuickBooks easily.

Setting Up Vendors

We you support through different channels (Email/Chat/Phone) for your issues, doubts, and queries. We are always available to resolve your issues related to Sales, Technical Queries/Issues, and ON boarding questions in real-time. You can even get the benefits of anytime availability of Premium support for all your issues. You can export a Chart of Accounts, Customers, Items, and all the available transactions from QuickBooks Desktop. You can select the specific date format as per your requirement in the import settings. Click the Import button in the Dashboard screen or Import option from the File menu in the menubar to navigate to the File Selection screen of the Import Wizard.


Click “OK” to save and close the new vendor information. First of all, Click the Import available on the Home Screen. For selecting the file, click on “select your file,” Alternatively, you can also click “Browse file” to browse and choose the desired file. You can also click on the “View sample file” to go to the Dancing Numbers sample file. Then, set up the mapping of the file column related to QuickBooks fields. To review your file data on the preview screen, just click on “next,” which shows your file data.

Select the Purchase Orders transaction type (see Figure 7.9). Figure 7.7 QuickBooks can add the Account No. field to the memo line of voucher-style checks. The As Of field does not have any effect in your QuickBooks file if a dollar value was not entered in the Opening Balance field.

QuickBooks selects the first entry that matches what you’ve typed and continues to reselect the best match as you continue typing. You can also scroll to the entry in the list and click to select it. If the entry you want doesn’t exist, click to create it. To address invoices, letters, and other company communications, enter the primary contact’s salutation or title, first name, middle initial, and last name in the appropriate fields.

When the bill is ready, click the Save Template button at the bottom. QuickBooks Online also has many other types of lists which are very useful. In this article, we will look at several of the remaining lists available. If you enter the exact same name as another list item, QuickBooks asks if you want to merge the items. Then open the “Edit ” window for the desired list item to change. A picture showing how to rename list items in QuickBooks Desktop Pro within the Item List by using the Edit Item window and merge an item with an existing list item.

Clicking on the Payment Methods link will take you to the list. Many payment methods are added by default, such as credit cards, cash, and checks. You can easily rename list items in QuickBooks Desktop Pro. However, there is no specific “Rename” command in QuickBooks Desktop Pro. So, to rename list items in QuickBooks Desktop Pro, open the “Edit ” window for the selected type of list item.

In the Vendor Center, go to the New Vendors drop-down arrow and select Import Vendors. If QuickBooks isn’t right for your business, consider some feature-rich and affordable QuickBooks alternatives. Read our review of Xero orZoho Books review to learn more. Ensure you’ve collected all pertinent vendor details, such as their name, employer identification number and rates. Jobs are indented beneath the customer to which they belong.

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Bill payments made by credit cards are converted to bill payments. For example you can import all donations from a single bank deposit together into a single entry in the Cash account, and keep the details of each gift in the Income accounts. When you are using the customer reports for sales, make sure any inactive customers are not included.

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Whether you build custom computer systems or custom homes, you can use QuickBooks’ job-tracking features to analyze financial performance by project. Suppose you want to know whether you’re making more money on the mansion you’re building or on the bungalow remodel, and the percentage of profit you made on each project. As long as you create jobs for each project you want to track, QuickBooks can calculate these financial measures. Although the Opening Balance box beckons from below the Customer Name field in the New Customer window, it’s better to leave it blank. The box on page 69 explains the best way to define a customer’s opening balance, and the following sections explain what’s on each of this window’s tabs .

custom fields

Click the Export icon to export the list of transactions to an Excel worksheet or to a comma-separated value file. Click OK to save your changes and close the New Vendor dialog box, or click Cancel to discard your work. Complete any remaining fields you deem applicable, such as contact information and address. If you prefer to use a different vendor look-up name, be sure to enter the proper vendor name in the Print On Check As field on the Payment Settings tab. Your shortcut list and icon bar setting from Desktop are not converted, but QuickBooks Online does have its own keystroke shortcuts. Moving forward, Online will only use the new Sales Tax Agency Payable account.